
Fighting Winter's Chill

Put up your dukes, Jack Frost. I'm serious. I am tired of this thick, lumpy, treacherous ice bolting itself to the pavements. I am totally over the black, gritty snow banks on all the street corners. I've had quite enough of this biting, icy winds shit. I've had it up to here *signifies eye-level* with my wintertime costume. Black boots, thick, unmovable sweaters, hats and gloves making peripheral vision and dexterity nill..."Enough!" I say. "No more!"

To combat this early freeze (it's officially only the 3rd day of winter) I'm taking a queue from my co-workers 5 year old niece.

I'm playing dress up.

It just so happens that mine is one of those work places full of all of the funnest, funniest, most ridiculous stuff you could associate with an actual office. Yes, we have faxes, printers, in-boxes, and filing cabinets galore, but we also have drawers chock full of rhinestones in every size, shape, and color that China and Taiwan can churn out. Boxes of glitter in loose shake canisters, sprays, and paints. Enough satin and lurex ribbons to wrap several lengths of subway car. And racks and racks and racks of crazy, crazy fashion samples.

While any of the afore-mentioned items can add it's own element of defense against winters booming laugh and miserable cold I find the racks to be my favorite arsenal. Leafing through said racks it took very little time to shake off the remaining brown New York snow from my shoulders and melt the ice of my appendages. I've included a few photos of my favorite battle-wear. Feel free to comprise your own suit of armor and post. It'll be like one big "fuck you" to that 8˙ wind chill factor.

*Photo credit: Alejandra Cambeiro