
Who Do They Think They're Kidding?

Uh... maybe I'm not reading the right blogs or printed reviews, but am I the only one who thinks the "Waterfalls" currently installed along the East River are the poorest excuses for their geological namesake save for a few backyard koi pond trickling tributaries? I mean, it's basically scaffolding that you can still see with glorified garden hoses.

After all the hype on internets, in magazines, in the Times, and on morning tv shows and the mightily fortified CGI renderings of the 'Falls I was pretty excited to finally see them myself mapping out bike routes to hit the 3 closest bridges with my camera. Before I got the chance to take my tour I noticed 6 stories of metal clunk pouring river water, well, back into the river just north of the Manhattan bridge.

That's it?

Talk about a disappointment. It's like going to magic show and seeing all the trap doors, pulleys, and strings. It's like seeing Santa on break at the mall with his beard hanging down around his chest. C&IC isn't scolding the art peoples who dreamed of white whimsy in the grunge and grime of the big apple, but we suggest that maybe they dream bigger. The technology exists to make a truly spectacular cascade and if resources are too sparse, then maybe make one or two really phenomenal waterfalls instead of 5 or 6 high altitude pee streams.

I'm just sayin'.

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