
...And You Thought I Ain't Been Doin' Shit...

In the realm of blogging, you'd be right. I've been dreadfully inattentive to cake & ice cream. But I have been doing other...you know, things. For the next few posts we'll be revisiting all of the little projects that have kept me mildly busy & entertained over this soul-crushing 08/09 winter season.

Below are some of the X-mas cards I stenciled for friends and family. I made about a bizzillion it seemed, so maybe you even got one. Or maybe it just felt that way after spending several hours in a basement with lots of spray paint.

With the economy tanking and money even tighter than the past 6 or 7 holiday seasons, material gifts just weren't materializing. And after all, the best things in life aren't even things, right? SO I thought that the best present I could give to those I love was my vote for hope, progress, and basically just NOT the republican party. And so I pulled the lever behind the curtain, cut out these stencils*, and sprayed these cardboard pieces until I was high as a kite. Merry Christmas, y'all.

*Associated press. Eat dicks.

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